9/5/23 City - Simons
Elko City Vice Mayor Mandy Simons discussed recent actions by the governing board to revoke the Punch Bowl liquor license, closing the...
9/5/23 City - Simons
9/1/23 BLM - Dixon, Mothershed
8/30/23 County - Jon Karr
8/29/23 City - Baum & Laughlin
8/28/23 Winecup Gamble Land Exchange - Gurr, Klebenow
8/25/23 NDOW - Gabrielson
ENCORE 8/24/23 Autism & Disability Awareness - Ward
8/23/23 Zero Suicides - Charlebois
8/22/23 City Fair - Baum, Angerla, & JT Taravella
8/21/23 School Resource Officers - Bribiesca
8/17/23 Chamber - Micheli
8/16/23 The Terrace & Pop Con
8/15/23 City - Baum, Wiley
8/11/23 ECVA Pop Con - Lester
8/10/23 School - CJ Anderson & Kayla Church
8/9/23 Autism & Disability Awareness - Ward
8/8/23 City - Vice Mayor Simons
8/4/23 Elko BLM - Garcia, Halsey, Juarez, Mothershed
8/3/23 Elko Pop Con - Pierce
8/2/23 County - Andreozzi